Trey Anastasio Big ST-6V6se Fan

Occasionally we get calls and notes from artists that want to share their gratitude. Last week, we heard from a big fan, none other than Trey Anastasio of Phish fame. He's been digging his ST-6V6se for quite a while and just wanted to let us know. It's one of the nicest letters we have ever received ~ kh

Dear Michael,

I hope you and your family are well. My name is Trey Anastasio, and I am the guitar player for the band Phish. I wanted to take a moment to write to you this morning to tell you how much I love my Space Tone amp, and to thank you for building such a beautiful little masterpiece.

A couple of years ago I was searching for a 60's tube amp that would give me a simple warm sound for recording, practicing, and most importantly for the many performances that I do with orchestras around the country. I saw an ad in the paper for a blackface fender that was for sale in a small guitar shop south of Houston Street in New York City. When I went into the store, there was a Space Tone amp which caught my eye. I plugged it in and started playing and instantly fell in love with it. I took the amp home that day, left the blackface behind, and never looked back.

I have to tell you quite honestly that until I bought your amp I had never owned an amp that I had any kind of emotional connection to. Now I do. I love it. I play a custom guitar, built for me by Paul Languedoc in Burlington Vermont, which I also adore. Together, they sound wicked.

Just so you know, your space tone amp has been onstage at the Kennedy Center with the National Symphony Orchestra, at the Hollywood bowl with the LA Philharmonic, and onstage with numerous other orchestras around the country. Yesterday I recorded a brand-new 16 minute orchestral piece, at avatar studios in New York City, and all I brought to the session was my guitar, a cable, and my Space Tone amp, Which I carried in one hand down the streets of New York City to the session. All the engineers were knocked out by how sweet it sounded. The piece is called Petrichor, and I promise that as soon as it's done I'll send you a recording.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for all the great work you're doing down there, and to tell you that there are lots of musicians out here that are really loving your amazing amps!

Thank you so much Michael.

All the best,

Trey Anastasio

Photos: Trey & ST-6V6se with the National Symphony Orchestra
             Swart Space Tone heading to Trey's Phish Practice Room



Trey Anastanio with his Swart ST-6V6se and the National Symphony Orchestra

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